Which of the following would be appropriate client education before having a bone scan?

Which of the following would be appropriate client education before having a bone scan?

1. Maintain NPO status for 8 before the procedure.
2. The procedure will involve intravenous injection of radioisotopes.
3. The procedure will involve a small incision where bone tissue is removed for biopsy.
4. The client will have to lie very still during the scan.
5. Avoid stimulants such as caffeine for 24 hours before the procedure.
6. Increase intake of fluids after the procedure is completed

Answers: 2, 4, 6

The procedure will include an IV injection of radioisotopes, during the scan, the client will have to be very still or the scan pictures may not be clear, and increasing fluids afterwards will promote excretion of the radioisotopes. Food or fluids are not limited before the scan, and no biopsy of the bone will be taken. (Lewis 8 ed, p. 1579).

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